S.Nicolò church

Built around 1151 was partly reconstructed in 1432 and was altered in the Baroque period.


The castle and the walls

The castle built as a mighty fortification on the ancient island consisted of 4 bastions that defended the "Citadel" from enemy attacks. Remains of the walls are still visible. Of the castle there are only a few photographic memories of the early of the century.


Gualino castles

The construction of this imposing building began in 1925 on the project of the Architects Busiri and the artistic advice of Lionello Venturi. In 1947 the complex was rebuilt as a manor house and was transformed into a hotel.


Marconi tower

In the context of the beautiful panoramic park of the "Castelli" it is located at the highest point of the peninsula. Originally it was one of the many sight towers .; In 1934 Guglielmo Marconi (who was staying in Sestri Levante) performed his first experiments with short-wave radio.


Santa Caterina church ruins

They are located along the ascent to the Castello Gualino; The church suffered the consequences of the 1944 air bombardment.


Santa Maria of Nazareth

Church built in 1604-1616 in Baroque forms, is located in Piazza Matteotti; It preserves numerous baroque paintings and a wooden Pietà del Maragliano, as well as the Crucifix (Santo Cristo) of unknown origin found in the sea in the last century and in honor of which is celebrated every year the religious commemoration in mid-September.


San Pietro in Vincoli

Church of St. Francis with 17th and 18th century furnishings and seventeenth-century canvases.


Church and Monastery of "Frati Cappuccini"

With attached monastery, overlooking the Bay of Silence, it preserves numerous and valuable works of art, it is possible to visit the permanent art nouveau year round.


S. Stefano al Ponte church

It is of medieval origin with baroque revisions, and in its interior is preserved the Black Christ.


Rizzi Gallery

The pinacoteca has about 130 paintings dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries, largely works by Italian and Flemish school teachers (Guercino - Girolamo - De Ferrari - Luca Giordano - Alessandro Bagnasco called Baccanale). Inside it also houses precious carvings, furniture, pottery and authentic furnishings


Palazzo Fasce

A century-old Florentine imitation construction, characteristic of the impressive tower, already the seat of the Commune, is located in the very central Colombo Square.


Palazzo Negrotto Cambiaso

The building dates back to the last century, located in the picturesque bay of Portobello, was first adapted to a marine hospital for sick children, after the purchase of the Commune was the seat for many years of primary schools. It is currently a multifunctional venue for meetings, conferences and cultural events.


Sistema Museale Integrato di Sestri Levante e Castiglione Chiavarese

Two exhibition poles, designed to offer the visitor a rich and articulate narrative of the history of the Tigullio territory and the valleys of Sestri Levante. The Polo di Sestri Levante with the Archaeological Section and the City Museum at Palazzo Fascie and the pole of Castiglione Chiavarese With the archeominerary museum in the former school of Masso, the prehistoric mine in the open air, the mine of the nineteenth century XX Settembre.


Vai al Sito


Fatal error: Uncaught exception Exception with message Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'groups=0, pid='130', language='en', text='The centre Accomodation in Sestri Leva' at line 1 (UPDATE tl_search SET tstamp=1729593680, url='', title='The centre', protected='', filesize='18.55', groups=0, pid='130', language='en', text='The centre Accomodation in Sestri Levante, all the hotels. VISITING THE CENTRE TOWN S.Nicolò church Built around 1151 was partly reconstructed in 1432 and was altered in the Baroque period. The castle and the walls The castle built as a mighty fortification on the ancient island consisted of 4 bastions that defended the \"Citadel\" from enemy attacks. Remains of the walls are still visible. Of the castle there are only a few photographic memories of the early of the century. Gualino castles The construction of this imposing building began in 1925 on the project of the Architects Busiri and the artistic advice of Lionello Venturi. In 1947 the complex was rebuilt as a manor house and was transformed into a hotel. Marconi tower In the context of the beautiful panoramic park of the \"Castelli\" it is located at the highest point of the peninsula. Originally it was one of the many sight towers .; In 1934 Guglielmo Marconi (who was staying in Sestri Levante) performed his first experiments with short-wave radio. Santa Caterina church ruins They are located along the ascent to the Castello Gualino; The church suffered the consequences of the 1944 air bombardment. Santa Maria of Nazareth Church built in 1604-1616 in Baroque forms, is located in Piazza Matteotti; It preserves numerous baroque paintings and a wooden Pietà del Maragliano, as well as the Crucifix (Santo Cristo) of unknown origin found in the sea in the last century and in honor of which is celebrated every year the religious commemoration in mid-September. San Pietro in Vincoli Church of St. Francis with 17th and 18th century furnishings and seventeenth-century canvases. Church and Monastery of \"Frati Cappuccini\" With attached monastery, overlooking the Bay of Silence, it preserves numerous and valuable works of art, it is possible to visit the permanent art nouveau year round. S. Stefano al Ponte church It is of medieval origin with baroque revisions, and in its interior is preserved the Black Christ. Rizzi Gallery The pinacoteca has about 130 paintings dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries, largely works by Italian and Flemish school teachers (Guercino - Girolamo - De Ferrari - Luca Giordano - Alessandro Bagnasco called Baccanale). Inside it also houses precious carvings, furniture, pottery and authentic furnishings Palazzo Fasce A century-old Florentine imitation construction, characteristic of the impressive tower, already the seat of the Commune, is located in the very central Colombo Square. Palazzo Negrotto Cambiaso The building dates back to the last century, located in the picturesque bay of Portobello, was first adapted to a marine hospital for sick children, after the purchase of the Commune was the seat for many years of primary schools. It is currently a multifunctional venue for meetings, conferences and cultural events. Sistema Museale Integrato di Sestri Levante e Castiglione Chiavarese Two exhibition poles, designed to offer the visitor a rich and articulate narrative of the history of the Tigullio territory and the valleys of Sestri Levante. The Polo di Sestri Levante with the Archaeological Section and the City Museum at Palazzo Fascie and the pole of Castiglione Chiavarese With the archeominerary museum in the former school of Masso, the prehistoric mine in the open air, the mine of the nineteenth century XX Settembre. © 2016-2017 ASSOCIAZIONE ALBERGATORI SESTRI LEVANTE VAT no. 90010270107 Cookie policy - Privacy policy - Credits Versione italiana, , MUSEL, Vai al Sito, About cookie, Privacy policy', checksum='6104a5d4b16e84e9b6e6d412250770af' WHERE id='67') thrown in system/modules/core/library/Contao/Database/Statement.php on line 295
#0 system/modules/core/library/Contao/Database/Statement.php(264): Contao\Database\Statement->query()
#1 system/modules/core/library/Contao/Search.php(217): Contao\Database\Statement->execute('67')
#2 system/modules/core/classes/FrontendTemplate.php(330): Contao\Search::indexPage(Array)
#3 system/modules/core/classes/FrontendTemplate.php(124): Contao\FrontendTemplate->addToSearchIndex()
#4 system/modules/core/pages/PageRegular.php(190): Contao\FrontendTemplate->output(true)
#5 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(285): Contao\PageRegular->generate(Object(Contao\PageModel), true)
#6 index.php(20): Contao\FrontendIndex->run()
#7 {main}