Protected Area Punta Manara-Punta Moneglia

The Protected Area Punta Manara-Punta Moneglia, established in 1985, occupies that part of the Ligurian Riviera of Levante, between Sestri Levante, Riva Trigoso and Moneglia. The Mediterranean scrub, characterized by the bush, the arboreal, the terebinth, the common and thorny broom, the euphorbia arborea, the cyst and the myrtle, covers the lower part and the valleys of the southern slopes of the Protected Area.

Where the slope becomes less steep, the stain leaves place at Lecceta and the pine pine forests, and further away from the coast and the climatic influences of the sea, vegetation changes assuming ever more continental features. There are mixed woods of deciduous deciduous trees and chestnuts, both of which are characterized by a mesophilic undergrowth (ie shady and fresh places). Among the birds that find hospitality in the Protected Area, remember the big bullion, the eyeball, the stingray, the gland and the tireless tune of hunters and mussels. Thanks to the mild climate, the variety of landscape and flowering, the Protected Areas of the Protected Area are magnificent and accessible in all seasons. All the itineraries are clean and equipped with signage and parking lots equipped with great panoramic views.



Park of Hotel dei Castelli - 30 minutes

From Santa Maria di Nazareth to San Niccolò you enter the park of the Hotel dei Castelli; Rich Mediterranean vegetation with rare examples of cork oak, at the highest point is the Torre Marconi from which the first experimental radio navigation experiments were carried out.


Punta Manara - h. 1,30

From Vico del Bottone, which runs from Via XXV April, it rises up to the traffic light of Punta Manara, with a wide panorama of all the Golf of the Tigullio, Val Gromolo and Val Petronio; After crossing the traffic light at the sea (sight tower of medieval times) you can right off to the ancient village of Ginestra, or turn left to reach via Fasce or via Chiusa.


S.Anna - Costa Rossa - h.1,30

At the end of Via A.Romana Occ.le, you start a path that passes between the fig tree and Campania S.Anna; This path rises up to the 16th-century homonymous church (ruins) and presents 5 Roman bridges. Such a route is the ancient route of the Roman Way (Aemilia Scauri). Shortly before the ruins of S.Anna, the path rises to the right in the pine forest to reach Costa Rossa, from where it is possible to go back to Sestri eastern via S. Bernardino. Continuing beyond the ruins of S.Anna, you can go back to Cavi di Lavagna, through two other Roman bridges.


Loto - Sambuceto - 45 minutes

From the hamlet of Loto, through a panoramic route between vineyards and olive groves, you reach the medieval village of Sambuceto in the municipality of Né.


S.Vittoria - Rovereto - Libiola - h. 0,30

Starting from the church of St. Victoria, the church of S.Piero in libiola slaughtered, passing over the medieval Lambruschini bridge. Libiola is home to mines already exploited at Roman times, in which more than 50 species of minerals can be found.


Tassani - Bugine - h 1,30

Through this path, turning to the left, above the inhabited area of ​​Tassani, we reach the sources of the Gromolo Stream, a true natural oasis for flora and fauna with the presence of many rare animal and plant species.


Tassani - Bargone - h. 1,30

From Tassani, turning right into the town passes under an imposing manganese rock wall and after touching the ruins of an ancient black stone fortification you reach Bargone where it is recommended to visit the fortified Borgo called Costa.


S.Margherita Fossa Lupara - Bruschi - Tassani - h.1

From the church of Santa Margherita Fossa Lupara you reach the monastic settlement of the Bruschi and through a pine forest the resort Tassani.


Riva Trigoso - Torrione - Punta Baffe - Casaggiori - h 1

Starting from the cemetery of Riva Trigoso, you walk along a wide path, then you reach the Watch Tower from which were reported the incursions of Saracen pirates.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception Exception with message Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'groups=0, pid='132', language='en', text='The excursion in Sestri Levante Accomo' at line 1 (UPDATE tl_search SET tstamp=1729593680, url='', title='The excursion in Sestri Levante', protected='', filesize='18.80', groups=0, pid='132', language='en', text='The excursion in Sestri Levante Accomodation in Sestri Levante, all the hotels. THE EXCURSIONS IN SESTRI LEVANTE Protected Area Punta Manara-Punta Moneglia The Protected Area Punta Manara-Punta Moneglia, established in 1985, occupies that part of the Ligurian Riviera of Levante, between Sestri Levante, Riva Trigoso and Moneglia. The Mediterranean scrub, characterized by the bush, the arboreal, the terebinth, the common and thorny broom, the euphorbia arborea, the cyst and the myrtle, covers the lower part and the valleys of the southern slopes of the Protected Area. Where the slope becomes less steep, the stain leaves place at Lecceta and the pine pine forests, and further away from the coast and the climatic influences of the sea, vegetation changes assuming ever more continental features. There are mixed woods of deciduous deciduous trees and chestnuts, both of which are characterized by a mesophilic undergrowth (ie shady and fresh places). Among the birds that find hospitality in the Protected Area, remember the big bullion, the eyeball, the stingray, the gland and the tireless tune of hunters and mussels. Thanks to the mild climate, the variety of landscape and flowering, the Protected Areas of the Protected Area are magnificent and accessible in all seasons. All the itineraries are clean and equipped with signage and parking lots equipped with great panoramic views. Park of Hotel dei Castelli - 30 minutes From Santa Maria di Nazareth to San Niccolò you enter the park of the Hotel dei Castelli; Rich Mediterranean vegetation with rare examples of cork oak, at the highest point is the Torre Marconi from which the first experimental radio navigation experiments were carried out. Punta Manara - h. 1,30 From Vico del Bottone, which runs from Via XXV April, it rises up to the traffic light of Punta Manara, with a wide panorama of all the Golf of the Tigullio, Val Gromolo and Val Petronio; After crossing the traffic light at the sea (sight tower of medieval times) you can right off to the ancient village of Ginestra, or turn left to reach via Fasce or via Chiusa. S.Anna - Costa Rossa - h.1,30 At the end of Via A.Romana Occ.le, you start a path that passes between the fig tree and Campania S.Anna; This path rises up to the 16th-century homonymous church (ruins) and presents 5 Roman bridges. Such a route is the ancient route of the Roman Way (Aemilia Scauri). Shortly before the ruins of S.Anna, the path rises to the right in the pine forest to reach Costa Rossa, from where it is possible to go back to Sestri eastern via S. Bernardino. Continuing beyond the ruins of S.Anna, you can go back to Cavi di Lavagna, through two other Roman bridges. Loto - Sambuceto - 45 minutes From the hamlet of Loto, through a panoramic route between vineyards and olive groves, you reach the medieval village of Sambuceto in the municipality of Né. S.Vittoria - Rovereto - Libiola - h. 0,30 Starting from the church of St. Victoria, the church of S.Piero in libiola slaughtered, passing over the medieval Lambruschini bridge. Libiola is home to mines already exploited at Roman times, in which more than 50 species of minerals can be found. Tassani - Bugine - h 1,30 Through this path, turning to the left, above the inhabited area of ​​Tassani, we reach the sources of the Gromolo Stream, a true natural oasis for flora and fauna with the presence of many rare animal and plant species. Tassani - Bargone - h. 1,30 From Tassani, turning right into the town passes under an imposing manganese rock wall and after touching the ruins of an ancient black stone fortification you reach Bargone where it is recommended to visit the fortified Borgo called Costa. S.Margherita Fossa Lupara - Bruschi - Tassani - h.1 From the church of Santa Margherita Fossa Lupara you reach the monastic settlement of the Bruschi and through a pine forest the resort Tassani. Riva Trigoso - Torrione - Punta Baffe - Casaggiori - h 1 Starting from the cemetery of Riva Trigoso, you walk along a wide path, then you reach the Watch Tower from which were reported the incursions of Saracen pirates. © 2016-2017 ASSOCIAZIONE ALBERGATORI SESTRI LEVANTE VAT no. 90010270107 Cookie policy - Privacy policy - Credits Versione italiana, , About cookie, Privacy policy', checksum='9c5200bbdeebc94295ad5e67d340cf6f' WHERE id='51') thrown in system/modules/core/library/Contao/Database/Statement.php on line 295
#0 system/modules/core/library/Contao/Database/Statement.php(264): Contao\Database\Statement->query()
#1 system/modules/core/library/Contao/Search.php(217): Contao\Database\Statement->execute('51')
#2 system/modules/core/classes/FrontendTemplate.php(330): Contao\Search::indexPage(Array)
#3 system/modules/core/classes/FrontendTemplate.php(124): Contao\FrontendTemplate->addToSearchIndex()
#4 system/modules/core/pages/PageRegular.php(190): Contao\FrontendTemplate->output(true)
#5 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(285): Contao\PageRegular->generate(Object(Contao\PageModel), true)
#6 index.php(20): Contao\FrontendIndex->run()
#7 {main}